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Friends Of Indus Forum

The Friends of Indus Forum has an online or web-based link to promote online interaction and healthy debates. The online forum provides a good platform to the interested people, who are eligible to become members of the forum, get themselves registered as a “Friends of Indus” and interact with other like-minded people on the issues pertaining to the ecoregion.
If you have passion to conserve the natural treasures of the Indus Ecoregion and want to raise your voice, do not wait and join hands in this noble cause by becoming a member of the “Friends of Indus

Why become a Friend of Indus?

Dr. Ghulam Akbar

Sindh was once rich in biodiversity and boasted a variety of habitats, mosaic of water was known far and wide for its bodies and majestic Indus Delta. Its lagoons, marshes, coasts, plains, forests and deserts were abode for a vast variety of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibian and fish. These natural resources also provided livelihoods for local communities who depended largely on these God gifted resources for fish, wood, pastures, water, soil and agriculture. It was the mighty Indus which instilled prosperity in this region over millennia through its waters and it was also responsible for shaping the different kinds of habitats where human and wild fauna lived in harmony and mutual respect.